Tag Archives: working

#21 Embrace Life Wholeheartedly

purple-dot??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Let us work like we don’t need the job; love like we’ve never been hurt; and dance like no one’s watching.      –author unknown

A lovely parable for how to live:

To work for the passion and joy of it,

not just for the paycheck.

To love wholeheartedly, without caution

or fear of betrayal, loss, or disappointment…

To enjoy life without self consciousness

or embarrassment.

The quote has stood the test of time because there is wisdom in it.  Those who approach life with few inhibitions get more joy out of it than those who put limitations on themselves.  I have seen this in my work with some psychotherapy patients.  They make day to day decisions on the basis of minimizing unforeseen negative consequences–on avoiding the possibility of painful experiences–rather than moving toward growth and a fuller life.

  •   What is one area of your work which you truly enjoy and would do even if you           weren’t paid, and presumably didn’t need the money?  How could you do more of it?
  •  Name one person or group of people  that you love without hesitation..  Send that person a message today and let them know.   Send that group a message and let them know how much they mean to you.
  •  What is something you enjoy without self consciousness?  or would like to?  How can you let go your inhibitions and do it more wholeheartedly?
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